Aircraft De-icing and Anti-icing

Master safe and efficient Aircraft De-Icing with our comprehensive course. Learn regulations, techniques, safety considerations, decision-making, and more
£200.00 exc. VAT
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  • Aircraft de-icing and anti-icing
  • Clean wing, iced wing
  • Who decides
  • De-icing locations
  • Systematic procedure

Course aims & objectives

The aims and objectives of an Aircraft De-icing and Anti-icing course are as follows:

Understanding the Importance: The course aims to familiarize participants with the significance of de-icing and anti-icing procedures in aviation safety. It highlights the potential hazards of ice and snow accumulation on an aircraft and emphasizes the need for effective de-icing and anti-icing measures.

Knowledge of Regulations: The course aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the regulations and guidelines governing aircraft de-icing and anti-icing operations. This includes familiarizing them with international standards, industry best practices, and regulatory requirements imposed by aviation authorities.

De-icing and Anti-icing Techniques: The course aims to equip participants with practical knowledge and skills regarding various de-icing and anti-icing techniques. This involves understanding different types of de-icing fluids, their application methods, equipment usage, and de-icing procedures specific to different aircraft surfaces.

Safety Considerations: Participants will be educated about safety considerations associated with aircraft de-icing and anti-icing operations. This includes understanding potential risks, hazards, and precautions to be taken during the process, as well as emergency procedures in case of incidents or accidents.

Decision-Making Skills: The course aims to develop participants' decision-making abilities in assessing weather conditions, determining the need for de-icing or anti-icing, and selecting appropriate procedures and fluids based on aircraft type, environmental factors, and operational requirements.

Communication and Collaboration: Participants will learn the importance of effective communication and collaboration within the de-icing and anti-icing team. This includes understanding roles and responsibilities, coordinating activities with ground personnel, pilots, and air traffic control, and maintaining clear and accurate documentation.

Maintenance and Quality Assurance: The course aims to provide participants with knowledge of maintenance and quality assurance aspects related to de-icing and anti-icing operations. This includes understanding equipment maintenance, inspection procedures, quality control measures, and record-keeping practices to ensure compliance and operational effectiveness.

Overall, the objectives of the Aircraft De-icing and Anti-icing course are to enhance participants' understanding, skills, and competence in conducting safe and efficient de-icing and anti-icing operations, while adhering to regulatory standards and industry best practices.